Device Information Record

The NDEF Device Information Record is a well-known record type defined by the NFC Forum. It carries a number of Type-Length-Value data elements that provide information about the device, such as the manufacturer and device model name.

class DeviceInformationRecord(vendor_name, model_name, unique_name=None, uuid_string=None, version_string=None)

Initialize the record with required and optional device information. The vendor_name and model_name arguments are required, all other arguments are optional information.


The Device Information Record type is urn:nfc:wkt:Di.


Value of the NDEF Record ID field, an empty str if not set.


A bytes object containing the NDEF Record PAYLOAD encoded from the current attributes.


Get or set the device vendor name str.


Get or set the device model name str.


Get or set the device unique name str.


Get or set the universially unique identifier str.


Get or set the device firmware version str.


A list of undefined data elements as named tuples with data_type and data_bytes attributes. This is a reference to the internal list and may thus be updated in-place but it is strongly recommended to use the add_undefined_data_element method with data_type and data_bytes validation. It would also not be safe to rely on such implementation detail.

add_undefined_data_element(data_type, data_bytes)

Add an undefined (reserved future use) device information data element. The data_type must be an an integer in range(5, 256). The data_bytes argument provides the up to 255 octets to transmit.

Undefined data elements should not normally be added. This method is primarily here to allow data elements defined by future revisions of the specification before this implementation is updated.

>>> import ndef
>>> record = ndef.DeviceInformationRecord('Sony', 'RC-S380')
>>> record.unique_name = 'Black NFC Reader connected to PC'
>>> record.uuid_string = '123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000'
>>> record.version_string = 'NFC Port-100 v1.02'
>>> len(b''.join(ndef.message_encoder([record])))