NDEF Decoder and Encoder for PythonΒΆ
The ndeflib
is a Python package for parsing and generating NFC Data Exchange
Format (NDEF) messages. It is licensed under the ISCL, hosted on GitHub
and can be installed from PyPI.
>>> import ndef
>>> hexstr = '9101085402656e48656c6c6f5101085402656e576f726c64'
>>> octets = bytearray.fromhex(hexstr)
>>> for record in ndef.message_decoder(octets): print(record)
NDEF Text Record ID '' Text 'Hello' Language 'en' Encoding 'UTF-8'
NDEF Text Record ID '' Text 'World' Language 'en' Encoding 'UTF-8'
>>> message = [ndef.TextRecord("Hello"), ndef.TextRecord("World")]
>>> b''.join(ndef.message_encoder(message)) == octets